We headed to the park after work today. Hijo was quite happy as he really wanted to go yesterday, when the weather was 36F. Today it was 45F but cloudy. I miss the sun. In any case, we had the park to ourselves for the most part. There were a number of teenagers hanging out (anyone know why they refuse to wear coats in the wonter and why the boys all were wearing shorts??/).

Hijo had to swing. He loves to swing- still. And since he is such a skinny minny, he fits in the baby swing- although his feet are getting a little too big for the holes. By summer, hijo will have to be on the big boy swings full time. I guess I will be working with him on how to swing properly. Thank goodness for the back yard playset.
Hijo did the ropes course and and slides. We played a game of hide-n-seek. I was found right away. I think that has a lot to do with the fact that hijo does not close his eyes. he starts off with his eyes closed and then as soon as he hears you move, he opens them and continues to count. He is such a funny little man.

Momma and hijo. I forgot my hat, so I had to wrap my ears with my scraf. We were playing trains and I told hijo that in order to board my train, his ticket was a picture with me.

Hijo ended the visit to the park, with a few slides down the BIG slide. 

It was a good evening for us. Even thought it was cold and cloudy, it was good to be outside. I am longing for spring, and there are signs every where that it is coming. The park grounds crew was raking up the leaves from around the trees- preparing for mulching season. That means Spring is coming.
I am off to rest a little while before starting some more work for the evening.
Love to you,
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