Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sleeping Hijo

I love looking at hijo while he sleeps.  He has been sleeping on the couch this week- more to do with the fact that I am traveling for business next week and it is one less stressor if I let him sleep close to me.  He sleeps with such abandon- totally relaxed - his body is like putty.  he looks so cute too.  It is hard not to snuggle up to him and cover him with kisses- but I resist becuase I know that if I wake him up, there will be a fight to get him back to sleep.
Hijo wanted to show you what he does to me in the evening when I check email hile he watches Dora and Diego.  He likes to pull out the stickers and then cover himself and me with them.  I have to admit that I have passed my limit of endurance with Dora and Diego.  We see the same shows over and over.  I think each week we are lucky to get 1 new episode that we have not seen.  I am sick of saving baby jaguar, helping Azul get his whistle and saving baby chinta.  And I am forced to watch them becuase hijo no longers agrees to reading books because he has seen the show before.  That worked for 2 weeks and then he realized that he was only getting to watch TV in the evenings 1 night a week.   I need a new tactic, becuase he likes being read to at night, but I am not willing to keep him up past his bedtime just to read to him becuase he wants to watch TV.

And yes, I know I am the parent and I set the rules, but I am not willing ot have a fight every signle night at 7 pm.  It is not worth the stress to both hijo and I for me force this issue.  I save my fights for more important things- picking my battles carefully.  This is not a battle that is worth it.  I know that in another month, TV will loose it's allure becuase the snow will be gone and the temperatures will be warmer and we will be walking and riding bikes in the evening.  At that point, he will just want to cuddle on the couch after we get home and then he will be ready to read books again before bed.  Everything runs in cycles depending on the weather around here.

Well, I am off to finish laundry and get hijo's help cleaning the house.

Love to you and hasta pasta,

1 comment:

  1. There will be NO guilt over allowing your child to watch television. That is a personal choice, not to mention the way your family structure works it helps YOU to know he's watching "good" shows. I laugh at how quickly Tams became absorbed into tv, but I also know that she isn't glued to the set. As parents, we set the rules for OUR homes. (Frankly, I don't really get the whole thing about not letting kids watch TV. I watched plenty of it, and I turned out OK. I had a TV in my room when I was your son's age, it was tiny and there was no such thing as cable but it was MINE. And there's already a TV in the room Tams will move into when she's ready for her big girl bed, I'll just have to hook up cable by then.) No guilt for our choices, especially when they aren't damaging.

    He's just so cute! (oops, I mean handsome.)
