It was craft day around here. Big E came over to help tie the blanket/quilt for her sister's (Little E) birthday party next weekend. After finishing the tying, E played with Bug for another hour. 

After E left, we worked on pine cone bird feeders. We did this last year- collect pine cones through the year, let them dry out, spread peanut butter on them, cover in bird seed. Then take them outside and hang them up for the birds.
We did put 2 on the Japanese maple tree in the corner.
These are the blocks for Lark's quilt. It has quite the tropical feel. Not sure that was the plan, but it is look. the inner border, not shown, is supposed to be yellow, but I might go get some green fabric instead to bring the quilt back from the tropical feel. The outer border will be a batik that matches the blue background of the first block in the last row.
I finally finished Tami's quilt. I have only been working on this flannel quilt for a year. but I hated the backing fabric, so I ripped it out multiple times, the last time forcing me to rip out a row of blocks on the front as I had finished stitching in Tami's name in the middle of quilt. That was when the quilt got put in the 'to be finished when I finally find the right backing fabric". I found 2 I liked, and the quilt finished in a day.
I also made a baby doll quilt for Tami- because every girl needs a quilt for her dolly too. Lark will get one, but not in the same fabric as her quilt. I have a stash of soft flannels, so that will be the fabric for baby doll's quilt.
I am hoping to finish the quilt time for Lark tomorrow, so I can take all of February to finish the entire quilt. The real issue being, quilting takes up my kitchen table, so we have to eat in the living room - which is not ideal.
Love and hugs,