Thursday, January 27, 2011

family game night- the fun never stops around here

Bug has been out of sorts all week.  Basically it is lashing out at me for being gone on my business trip last week.  It culminated today with Bug getting off the school bus, walking in the house and announcing he wanted a new momma, a different momma.  I knew this day was coming, but it still hurt. I finished up my work day an hour later and Bug informed me that he wanted to go play with friends.
Mean momma that I am, I told him no.  We were having family time. 

So I gave him a choice while he pouted, we could make pine cone feeders for the birds or we could play board games. Bug's immediate response- teach me to play that money game!!!!  He wanted to play monopoly Jr.  So I pulled out the game, ordered pizza and we began to play.
First game I was the banker and Bug loved playing

Second game, Bug was the banker and I had to keep a close watch on the bank- he kept trying to spend the bank's money on his expenses.  And then when I corrected him, he said "that is not in my budget".  Oh yes, my boy listens when I tell him we can not afford things. 
We spent 2 hours playing Monopoly Jr.  It was a good way to reset our family mood. 

The game is great- we got to work on adding and subtracting, paying attention and managing accounts.

Bug really likes being the banker- I may never get to be in charge of the money again.

well, 5 loads of laundry have to be folded, so I am signing off.

Love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. I love Monopoly Jr. It's just the right kind of Monopoly! I'm glad you were able to recover your family love. It can be tough.

