OK- the pictures got messed up as I loaded them, but I am too tired to fix them, so bear with me while I go through everything.
Friday evening is Market night for us, even more so because I am now the volunteer newsletter editor for the local farmer's market. So I needed to go down to the market to get photos and pick up a bunch of recipes to use in the newsletter for next week's items as we prepare for Thanksgiving.
The lure for Bug when we go to the market is the playground right next door. He loves it. With the great weather this week, I knew the playground would be on our agenda this week. Thru the winter I am going to have to watch the weather and ensure we have our snow pants on for the coldest days, because so long as it is not below freezing, I think Bug is going to demand time on the playground. Only he tells the market ladies that he "can get his exercise playing on the slides". They think he is too cute. I think he is way too intelligent for his britches sometimes with this smart reasons for needing to play.

This is "The Jelly man". He cans his own jellies from the fruit on his trees, then comes to market. He is almost out of jellies for the year. Mam loves his peach jelly. I love his blackberry jelly. Bug likes to look at the black walnuts in the jars. This was probably the last weekend for the Jelly man to be at the market.
Bug doing his exercises on the slide, up the stairs and down the slide and then run back to the stairs.
Some tiger riding joy
And then some spinning
Some swinging- which is exercise for momma in that I have to push him.
But he loves it.
Oh, there is the pushing of the merry go round and then hanging off of it and spinning around. Thankfully the market is only open on Fridays and we don't come to this park or I would be buying Bug new shoes every week as he had a great time dragging his toes on the ground. Typically kid!!!! I did the same thing when I was growing up, only I had access to swings every day to use to drag my feet.
This is C- he carves flutes and rolling pins and just about anything else you might want. He made Bug a rolling pin, for our holiday baking and he is going to make me one too. He also gave Bug a wonderful flute, in the Indian tradition, to play with at home. During the market, he will play music over the speaker- so nice. We have limited time with him at the market too during the school year, because he teaches after school music programs. Right now, he has not after school programs on Friday, but that will come to an end in the new year very likely.
After the market and dinner, we headed over to church. The church's kids program sponsors a free family movie on the second Friday night. This was the first time we have gone. Tonight they were showing "Toy Story 3" and we invited our friends Y and N. We ended up with 8 kids on the blankets. They had a good time and we were home by 9:10 and Bug was asleep by 9:15. I am hoping he sleeps late tomorrow because I was up until 2 am last night and I could use some extra sleep. I think we will be doing this each month, it was lots of fun. We now know to bring sleeping bags and pillows, Bug just had his blanket. Bug also learned that when Momma says to pack long, warm PJs, she does not mean shorts and tee shirt- which is what Bug packed in his bag. He complained he was cold most of the evening. Ah, the lesson of good choices and bad choices clearly and emphatically made to him without me saying a word.
We have nothing planned for tomorrow (shocking!!!), so I am seeing some house cleaning, some laundry and playtime in our day tomorrow. All of which is known as rest in this house since we don't have to leave. Though we might go rescue Mam and Pap for some dinner in the evening.
Love and hugs,
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