The face of little man, who decided that 6:30 am was a great time to wake up. This was around 7:45 am as I was making breakfast and he was watching some TV

Breakfast tradition on Thanksgiving- sweet rolls
The turkey- ready for the oven. This is a new recipe for me- herb butter and lemon for the cavity and veggies and herbs in the pan. The turkey was DELICIOUS!!!!
Bug and Pap played some chess this morning.
Happy Little Man because he was playing with Pap
And then he got the Turkey leg- yum, yum.
Talking to Uncle T and Aunt L in Florida via Skype. Technology is a great thing.
Lots of cream on the pie
After dinner and nap, we headed out to Uncle Dave's work place. Uncle Dave had to work because out local team is on TV tonight and it is on a cable channel that most people don't have - at least that is what was announced, turns out the game is on local TV too. But Dave had to work, so we went to keep him company.
Bug dictated his letter to Santa. All he wants is the bike (the one that is already hidden in the house!!!!) Of course there will be a few more presents for him under the tree.
He liked the cool hat he got at Uncle Dave's work.
Jas and Uncle Darrell went out with us.
Bug had some chicken fingers and I had chips.
But this is what Bug looked like after I brought him from the car- completely and totally asleep. He barely moved his eyes when I put his jammies on him. He is one worn out little man.
Love and hugs,
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