Sunday, November 14, 2010

The weekend- lots of fun playing at the parks near us

Saturday we headed out to the local big park for some play time.  Bug needed some time running and to be honest, I needed to have a break from the neighborhood girls.  With M gone for the the weekend, it was much easier to convince him that going to the park to feed the ducks was a great idea.  He was quite happy to head off to play and feed the ducks.

 We took tortillas to feed the ducks and geese.  Other families at the park brought whole entire loaves of bread to feed the ducks.  Bug was happy to accept bread from the other families in exchange for me feeding the ducks the tortillas.
 The ducks and geese look so nice and gentle.  But, one of the geese decided to jump up on the bank of the lake- the moms for the other 2 families took off screaming.  I have to admit, it was all I could do not to start laughing.  The goose wanted the bread, that is all.  I got the goose back in the water by walking toward him and telling him that he was not getting bread unless he stayed in the water.  The goose, nicely, went back in the water and we continued to feed the goose.  Now, I know in the Spring, when there are goslings in the area, the adult geese are aggressive, but not so right now.  So while I was taking a risk, I felt it was important for Bug to see that being gentle and being safe around animals is better than screaming and carrying on and acting like fools.

Today after church, we headed over to the park near Mam and Pap's house.  Notice the difference in clothing.  The temps on Saturday were in the 70s with winds and in the 40s on Sunday.  Yep, Indian Summer is over.

Bug showed me his jumping skills.

  he had some fun on the tire swing
 and then showed me his best "cirque de solie" impression.
I am officially on the 4 day count down to my first full vacation this year- starting Thursday evening, I am on vacation.  I made my to do list today, a few things every day, plenty of time for a nap each day after putting Bug on the school bus.  Oh yes, did I mention, he has to go to school 3 days while I am on vacation?  Oh sucks and darn!!! Poor little man.  I am seeing at least one morning of me putting him on the bus and then crawling back into bed. 

well that is the weekend here.  Did I say- 4 MORE DAYS UNTIL VACATION!!!!!!!!

Love and hugs,

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