Another awesome evening here. We went to the library on the way home and then once we got home, we headed to the backyard. Hijo is practicing his soccer skills for class that starts in 3 weeks. He had be the student and he was the coach. Then we switched roles and I taught him some 'dribbling". 

Dinner was outside again. I should have done this last year!!!! Seriously, this is great. The table is in the corner of the patio, so the neighbors to the north of us (behind hijo) can't see us- their deck goes out to the edge of our house, so if we had a deck, we would staring at each other all the time. The neighbors behind us can see us right now, but soon the leaves will be out on the trees and we will have some privacy. There is no one living in the house to the south of us- where hijo is looking. But hopefully that house will sell soon and we will have new neighbors (nice neighbors, I am praying). Then I will have to figure out how to get some privacy from them as their deck and side porch overlook our patio.
We hd some yummy garlic cheese bread and fruit for dinner. Hijo likes to cut things for me- he is so polite. He wanted to serve me my bread, cut more or me, etc. He just wanted to help. He was a hungry little man tonight, eating nearly all the bread himself. I finally figured out that he was worried that we might not have this again, so he was trying to eat it all. We talked about listening to our body, so that we don't eat too much, that our body will tell us when we are full. After we got back inside, I realized he probably was hungry from playing outside today- Auntie Lulu took him out for 2 hours, we were out for anotehr 45 minutes, he probably was as hungry as he was acting. But he also was stuffing food into his mouth so fast, that he was not listening to his body. So I just need to make sure he gets enough. He also ate the container of watermelon- it was full when I brought it out while the bread cooked. he ate it all (I don't like watermelon, so I had an apple instead).
Hijo loves eating outside, maybe it is more casual, maybe more of a treat. I told him that maybe on Saturday we can have breakfast outside- then I saw the weather report. I think we will be eating breakfast indoors this weekend. but perhaps another weekend we can have breakfast outside, then maybe even start eating outside during the work week- although that might be pushing it.
We read some more books this evening, although hijo stayed awake tonight thru all the books. But he fell asleep in 15 minutes after going to bed. Fresh air is doing us both some good.
Well, I am off to finish up some things and then bed.
Love and hugs,
We are loving the fresh air here too.