Hijo and I spent the evening putting together our new patio set. 4 chairs (they did not need to be put together), 1 table (it did need to be put together) and an sun umbrella. Hijo is a great help with these projects. I really am loving this age he is at now. I loved him as a younger child, but now he is so much help and he wants to help and can help. I really love this age.
After we put together the table and got everything set up, we had dinner outside- YEAHHHHHHH. Hijo thought this was the best. He wants to do this every night and I think we are going to be doing this- so long as it is warm. We had burritos tonight. yep that is us, Irish-Guatemalan-German Americans celebrating St. Patrick's day with burritos!!!!!!!!
After dinner, we played frisbee. Too much fun- hijo plays frisbee like football. Which brings up the topic on his mind. He told me the other day that he wants to play soccer (futbol) outside on the big field. His soccer class is inside on the artifical turf. I explained to him that if he finishes all 6 classes this time, then I will sign him up for the summer league outside this year. Someone might have to kill me for doing that, since it will mean that we have no Saturday mornings for family things, as we will be at the field every Satruday in whatever weather comes- rain, sun, or blistering heat. But, I promised him and so if he completes the 6 indoor classes, I will hold up my part of the bargin. I might need to clone myself this summer.

Auntie Lulu made sure hijo was dressed for St. Patrick's day by temproarily tatooing his face with 4 leaf clovers. I was a bad momma and completely forgot that today was St. Patrick's day and that we both should have been wearing green. Oh well, he is not in school yet, so no harm, no foul this year. The tatoos (one on each cheek) came off in the bath tub tonight. YEAHHHHH

And finally, the time change finally caught up with hijo. I was reading to him tonight after bath time and he fell asleep before 8 pm. I think I can count on 2 fingers how many times he has fallen asleep while I read to him. He did not even wake up completely when I picked him up and took him to his bed. 
The other part of the story- hijo told me the other night that he loves this blanket. He says the blanket is Guatemala to him, when he snuggles under it, he feels the girls' love. I think he is too precious for words. once we get through the possiblity of cold weather at night (maybe another 2-3 weeks), and I take the duvet off his bed, he is getting this blanket on his bed. I think he will be so happy.
that's all for tonight, I am off to bed too. I had a migraine today, but pushed through. A long night's sleep will help me feel much better tomorrow.
Love and hugs,
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