It was a gorgeous day here. it was supposed to rain, but by noon, the sun was shining and the rain clouds had moved out. LOVE IT!!!! I am so happy, so absolutely happy. I know that I have SAD (seasonal Affective Disorder)- which basically means winter and long times without sunshine make me depressed and affect my mood and outlook. Apparently I was a bit more affected this year then I thought as someone commented to one of my bosses that I "was a bit snippy last week". Snippy is probably an understatement, but that has more to do with the situation then my mood in reality. But being told that it was said about me made me realize just how bad I had gotten with the weather.
My goal this year is to work in my yard/garden as much as I can. To help with that, I am using my lunch time (one benfit of working from home) and working in the garden. With the weather this week, I have gotten 2 days in the garden, preparing for the planting season. Today's task was Spring clean up.
I cut down the butterfly bush- this is a plant that you cut back each year and it regrows.
This is the pile of branches I cut off and below is the pile from past years that I want to get rid of. I think I am going have Hijo come out with me and we are going play break up the sticks for a few days. That should get the plie to a managable size. Then I can compost the broken up sticks. I also took the time to trim up the neighbors bushes that are coming through the chain link fence we share. The bushes are Rose of Sharon bushes and while I like them, the branches hit me in the face while I am cutting the grass. So the pile of sticks got larger due trimming them too. I really think the neighbor needs to rip out the bushes,- they are planted right on the fence line and the bushes are always going to grow to my side of the fence since my side faces the sun. But since the roots of the plants are on the neighbors side of the fence, I can only trim the branches on my side of the fence.
I had to check on my strawberry plants- THEY SURVIVED THE WINTER!!!!!!!! of course it is still too early to uncover them, but I was so happy to see them all green and alive under the covering I put on them in October.
The daffodils are peaking up in the front of the house too. I really want to plant more daffodils and tulips this fall. They make my heart happy when I see them in the Spring
After work today, hijo and I headed out to the park. Note he has rain boots on as I thought that it was going to rain and gave him the choice of rain boots or tennis shoes this morning. He will always choose rain boots when given a choice.
Hijo spent most of his time trying to find someone to play with him- I am no longer the favorite playmate at the park. he walked up to 3 kids and asked them if they wanted to be his friend, which translates into "do you want to play with me". I asked 2 more kids that hijo suddently became too shy to talk too at the last moment. No one wanted to play with him. I felt sad for him, but at the same time, I kept explaining that it was OK. I think he got it becuase toward the end, he asked me to play with him. That is a big change for him- 1. to ask a stranger child to play with him and 2. to ask me rather than demand that I play with him.
Hijo of course had to swing. he stared with his boots on and right after the first picture, they flew/dropped off his feet. So I set them off to the side an hijo continued swinging in his sock feet. He was very concerned about his boots not being his feet and how was he going to get out of the swing without them. Not to worry, Momma saved the day by putting the boots right under the swing and lifting him out of the swing and into his boots without his sock feet every touching the ground.
Pretending to be a grey fox sleeping in his log- just like the one we saw at the zoo over the weekend.

He is busy telling me that my house is over there. it was the cheapiest taxi ride ever- $1.00 was the fare to my house. I got to be his taxi driver- I got pulled over by the police for being too fast, I over charged him and he was still happy. Too much fun.
After the park- we headed to the grocery store. Hijo likes to pick the apples and to push his cart. We had to go to the store my parents house as it is the only store close to use with the child size grocery carts. Hijo loves them. He wants all the food in his cart all the time. This is a great thing when I want to tire him out, I fill his cart up with heavy things and we walk up and down every aisle- he falls alseep on the way home after all that effort.
Tonight was not one of those nights- we were going home to make pizza for dinner. So he had about half the things we needed and I had the other half- but more of the heavy things. And we only walked up the aisles that had things on the list.
Tomorrow night we are making potato soup for dinner. Fingers crossed that helping to make it means he will eat it, though he ate potato soup with Pap one day and proclaimed that he liked it alot.
That's all for today, it has been a busy day. I am off to get some rest.
Love to you,
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