We had sun today and warmer temps. So after work, I took hijo to the park. It has been a long winter for us. I looked back at last year and compared to this year. Last year our snow and cold temps started in November and was done by mid Feb. This year it was late December before the really cold temps set in. The weather reports last night stated that by this time in the year, our average temperature is 47 degrees F. We hit 37 yesterday. Today it was in the 40s, The weekend will be in the 50s. We also had 26.1 inches of snow in February, where our average is 6 inches. So definitely our winter came later and stonger then usual. No wonder we are all getting cabin fever being inside so much. By this time in the past, we were outside on a regular basis, not praying for sun and warmer temps. I am ready for Spring and so is hijo.
As you can see, we have snow melting, still on the ground. We have grass and the ground is thawing, so the mud is coming soon (this weekend).
Hijo had to roll down the hill and I had to stop myself from admonishing him for getting his clothes dirty. Silly me, my thoughts racing- this kid has been dying to get outside and play, clothes can be washed, little boys can be washed, let him have his fun. And then I join him- not rolling down the hill, but running through the muddy grass.
We were playing football - not soccer, but north american football, when hijo found the snow "bombs". They were the snow pile next to the path and they were just soft enough for him to pick up and smash to the ground. This was the hit of the outing- occupying him for most of the time we were at the park. it also served to soak his gloves completely. He was in heaven with this game. I took part by stomping on the bombs that would not break when he threw them.
We walked the smaller trail looking for signs of Spring and found most of the trees budding out. We saw a woodpecker and heard quite a few song birds. Spring is definitely in the air.

we had some football kicking practice- hijo teed the ball up in the snow and then kicked it. He was having so much fun.
After the park, I treated him to a new mexican resturant in the area. we liked the back of the booths- with carved and painted scenes from Mexico.
Hijo showed me how much of big boy he is by cutting his own dinner. Where has my little boy gone? Who is this big boy who now sits across from me? He is growing up so fast.
His fruit for the night was the lemon. Yep, he is just like me, eating the lemon.
Tomorrow is supposed to be another beautiful day as is the entire weekend. I am so happy. Hopefully a few days of sun and warmth will help us both to reset our attitudes and moods.
Hijo is in a mood, he had a meltdown this morning as we were leaving the house. I asked him to put on his fleece jacket and he burst into tears. When I asked what was wrong, he told me "Momma, I am having a bad day". He was so upset. We had a talk and the end of the discussion was that he wanted to go to Mam and Pap's house today. So 2 calls and 5 minutes later, we headed over to Mam and Pap's. I talked to Mam a few times during the day, and he was doing much better. The final call was at 3 pm and from her voice, I knew hijo was wearing them down. Apparently, he was not content to play cars, nope, he wanted them to play hide and seek, chase, tag and jsut about anything else that involved not sitting. No shock here, he went to sleep in 2 minutes tonight. Nothing like an exhausted 4 year and a warm bed.
I am exhausted too, so I am heading off to bed. Love to you and hasta pasta.
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