We headed over to the farm yesterday. It was so good to see the Vaca family again. Vaca momma was pretty sick this winter- spending time in the hospital, but the latest excitement- a CALF living in the basement. Ask Hermano about watching the calf being born- it is a unique view into how the 4 year old mind works.
The boys were excited to see the calf- named "Tiller" by hermano.
The mommas were ok until the boys starting throwing the sawdust all over the place- nothing like cow poop possibly being on clean boys and on mommas to really set the tone at the farm. Tiller will be in the basement a few more days and then is moving out to the chicken shed- just like the 2 calves from last year.
I must say the more we visit with hermano and the family, the more I realize I am happy to just grow veggies in my backyard. I am not sure I could take a cow in the basement, even a little cute one like Tiller. She is very docile and very cute. But, I certainly appreciate my food much more seeing all the work, effort and pain that Vaca Daddy goes through. Farmers rock!!!!
But defintiely the favorite thing, was tipping over their chairs and ending up on the floor. Silly boys. 
We had homemade pizza for dinner along with watermelon. I thought the boys would help, but they were too busy playing. It was a good dinner and good time with our friends.
For Popi, Mireya and the girls- I have the last item for the package for you guys. I am going to pack it up this week and I will send it on Monday. I will email you when I ship it, along with the contents. I am hoping it arrives in time for Easter.
Love and hugs,
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