Hijo and I had a slow day- the plan was originally for M to come over and play this afternoon, but she was pretty sick- fever and a bad cough. So that left hijo with nothing to do (his words). I had a migraine trying to explode in my heart (and it continues to try to explode) so for me, I jsut wanted sleep. Hijo was not having momma resting. So, I decided to involve hijo in something to brighten M's day. we baked her some cupcakes to help her feel better soon.
The awesome part of baking today- hijo finally figured out how to break eggs without smashing the egg shells!!!! This is egg number one- where the egg shell did get smashed, I showed him again how to do it and he cracked all the rest of the eggs without an issue. AWESOME!!!

"basta, basta, chocolata"- as we know from Dora the explorer. We made layered cupcakes- chocolate on the bottom and then yellow on top, slightly swirled into the chocolate. Hijo picked the pans- he wanted the Easter egg pans (purple), the flowers (pink) and the hearts (red). I pulled out the boring circles for the extra bater after we filled the other pans.
Swirling the yellow and chocolate bater together.
Mister happy Face- as I like to call these. He was happy with the bunny ears- he bought them yesterday with his money and he was so excited to have them. He was just mad I was taking his picture.
The finished cupcakes. he did a plate for M and her family and we took those over before dinner. We then took a walk and then finished up with some bike riding on the front walk. An hour of reading books after dinner and it was bed time. He was completely tired by bed time and was sleeping in 10 minutes. I might be following soon, but I have to get a load of laundry out of the dryer and put the last load for today into the dryer. I have 2 more loads of laundry to get done this week- winter coats, hats, mittens and bedding. But I am waiting for the middle of the week when the temperatures go back up as we are getting a little colder waether right now. That's all for today, love and hugs,
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