Monday, March 01, 2010

My coupon cutting man

Hijo and I read the paper last night.  I usually rip the coupons out, but apparently he has learned to cut them out thanks to Mam and Auntie Lulu.  He wanted to cut out some coupons for me, so I let him after a promise not to cut his jammie shirt.

What did he cut out for me:   Nice and Easy hair color and Rogaine hair treatment.  I guess he had hair on his mind.  He also cut out some pictures, but he was insistent that I accept the hair care coupons.

Tonight, we headed to the library.  Hijo loves the library, he acts like he owns the place.  He was so determined to pick his books, his video and carry the bag.  Of course, he refused to read the books when we got home- the lure of Dora was too strong.

Tonight, hijo prayed for our dinner.  This is the fist time he has volunteered to pray and the first time he said the entire prayer.  he thanked God for the food, the grocery store, the watermelon and family.  I think he hit the important parts.  It was so precious to hear him pray.

I am back to struggling with a migraine again.  The meds are barely keeping it at bay.  I think I know what is wrong- not anything bad- just an annoyance. I just have to decide that I am going to go to the doctor and get it addressed.  I dislike going to a new doctor.

It was warmer today- 40 degrees F.  A heat wave.  It is supposed to be 50 degrees F by the weekend and sunny.  I think the zoo or the park are in our weekend plans.

that's all for tonight.

Love to you,

1 comment:

  1. My migraines started to go away once I started the blood pressure and thyroid medications. Have you had your thyroid checked? I don't think my migraines were as bad as yours, but my side effects are ALL gone (a slight headache remains, but it's all relative). Hope you feel better!
