he is on a roll with his thoughts this week.
comment 1:
said as I picked him from his bed to move him to the couch since the bad thunderstorms were coming close and I did not want him to wake up scared in his bed. I was watching the news.
"where is my momma?"- said as he looked right at me.
When I told him was right in front of him, he seemed to see me then. When I asked him in the morning, he told me he thought I was Mam picking him up.
comment 2:
said tonight as we watched some TV
"momma, why do you have to get married?"
I guess I am getting married sometime soon, because he was quite insistent that I am getting married and he is not happy about it. Hopefully the comment of "at this time, it is not God's plan for momma to be married, but if I got married I would be happy and if I never get married, I will still be happy too" seemed to put the issue to rest.
I wonder what is roaming through his mind that is making him think of these things? I am sure it will come out eventually.
Love to you,
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
backyard frun and a blast from the past
Hijo had such a great time at T and Y's house on Saturday that I bought him his own pool. Yes, I did. why, because he loved it and he is such a water baby. Yes, we go to the YMCA to swim, but going out to the back yard and just splashing around is a good evening idea. Now I just have to get a air pump because I had to borrow one from Mam and Pap. And I need a tarp to put over the pool (tonight it has 2 table clothes on it because I am not wasting 289 gallons of water each day to fill this up and I do not want hijo in water that animals have been drinking from or using as a bathing pool.
Yes, I am slightly germ-o-phobic when it comes to my boy.
He had a great time playing. doesn't this picture make you think he is so much older than 4.75 years? I love that he still has the blow up boat that he was given by the girls. It works great in the pool. he also spent some time scooping bugs out of his pool. He had a great 1.5 hours in the pool playing while I talked with C.
This is C- she came over tonight to talk to me about her mission trip that starts in August. She is looking for sponsors. The funny part of this story- 2 weeks ago I was cleaning out the last 2 boxes from my move (7 years ago) and I found pictures from 17 years ago, when I helped with AWANA and the moms group at church. C was one of the kids in both groups and was in the pictures. I looked at the pictures and wondered what ever happened to the kids. Then 3 days later, C called me and let me know that mutual friends had passed on my contact info and could she come over and tell me about her mission trip.

Her face still looks the same, but she is all grown up. Unbelievable how 17 years years later, people can walk back into your life. I am so glad that she reached out to us.
Love and hugs,
Sunday, June 27, 2010
More pictures from the Greek Festival
J sent over some pictures last night that I did not have time to load. So here are a few from her and one more from my camera.
The boys actually both looking at the camera!!!! I think I am going to have frame this one and put it on the wall in hijo's room.
Hijo sizing up the Shish kabob. Shish just means meat. In this case it was pork not chicken as I expected. Hijo eat one small piece. N ate one small piece. Neither of them liked it. I am going try gyros with hijo another weekend and see how he likes that since he said the meat from my gyro was good. Gyro meat is lamb. We'll see how that goes.
And finally- the ride the boys loved as did the mommas- the giant slide. Hijo loves this ride - he would have spent all my money on this ride alone and would have still wanted more.
Susi- we hope you exams went well and you passed them all with the highest grades.
Love and hugs,
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Playing with friends and enjoying the rides at the Greek Festival
We spent the day with friends and while we are completely exhausted, we loved being with friends and just hanging out. I feel completely refreshed today- a day away from most of the cares of my house and job, just watching my precious little man play his heart out and enjoying himself. The days started with no plans, and hen I checked email and T and Y had invited us over for hte afternoon before we supposed to meet up to go to the Greek Festival.
We jumped at the chance to hang out with them and play in the pool. I quickly got us showered, dressed and packed for a day in the sun.
Sharing the lounger chair in the pool
playing on the slip and slide
threatening me with the water balloons that we made for them.
Sharing lunch and hugs
The "sweet life"
More playing in the pool. Hijo and Y spent 4 hours playing in the sun in the pool. I only lasted 3 hours outside with them (T stayed outside while I went inside). I spent most of the day in the shade, but I know that I burn red as a lobster in 30 minutes even with factor 50 sun screen. So I was cautious. hijo was slathered in sun screen too, as it was over 90F outside today and he was in the sun all the time.
After a clean up, we walked over to the Greek festival (J and N) joined us for hte walk and the time at the festival. We picked the perfect time to go- the crowds were down, and it was in the later afternoon/early evening.
Little Man had to fish - he caught one and earned a prize "Elmo"
Then it was off to ride the motorcycles
The cars
And the pirates chest. M, 2 friends of Y from preschool, Y, Hijo and N.
Hijo and N- they rode all the same rides and had a great time.
More motorcycles
We made it home tonight and I cooked hijo some dinner and now he is sacked out on the couch sleeping and I need to get him in bed and get into bed too. wow- this kind of exhaustion is so much better than the mental exhaustion of life during the week.
Love and hugs,
Friday, June 25, 2010
catching lighting bugs in the backyard! Oh the fun
Hijo got a treat tonight, first I let him stay up late and then as dusk feel, I took him out back and let him catch lightening bugs or fireflies.
I figured he would actually just watch them as he usually does not touch bugs- but he was all over catching the bugs carefully so they could fly off. he was happy and excited to bring them all to me to show me.

We both ended up with fireflies on us, but Hijo's was the cutest.
Momma, Look over there, there is one
its on my face- momma
This was so much fun- I love it!!!!!
baby- it was so much fun watching you catch fireflies for the first time- the wonderment in your eyes and the joy on your face as you caught the fireflies and saw them light up. I hope that you always experience wonderment and joy in life. You are a blessing and a joy- I am so blessed to be your momma. I love you so much mi hijo. te amo mucho, mi amor, mi hijo.
That was our fun evening
Love and hugs,
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
neighborhood water fun!!!
Tonight, after work, it was finally water balloon night!!!! We got home and the girls were already out in M's yard with the sprinkler running. so a quick change for hijo and a grab by me of all the things needed, and we headed out to join hte fun.
The water balloon participants- older E, M, younger E and Hijo.
The young observer- C who spent the evening sitting under the sprinkler.
water balloon fun- passing the balloon, one step back after every pass- eventually the tossing begins and then the wait for the eventual splash
After the 25 balloons were gone, the kids decided that chalking up the sidewalk was an awesome idea. Hijo spent the time usign up an entire blue chalk stick. With a good portion ending up on him and younger E.
And finally toward the end of the evening, he FINALLY ran through the sprinkler. Note C sitting directly in the water spray. Hijo declared the water cold. but he had a great time. This is something we might do again.
Love and hugs,
Monday, June 21, 2010
Toy Story 3, playing at church, and friends- a good 3 days
I took hijo to see Toy Story 3 on Saturday. He had to play the video games first though- of course the motorcycle game. He had a blast and actually managed to stay on the course most of the time. He would have been happy to play the video games the entire time. He loved the movie - "to infinity and beyond!!!!" I loved the movie- I think it is going to be on our list for Santa this year.
Saturday evening, we had church at La Vina. Hijo learned about respecting his parent- which was promptly forgotten when he got home. I think the early bedtime on Saturday and the 2.5 hour nap on Sunday helped sort his behavior out. He is back to normal now.
Updates from the garden- the corn is growing. According to the saying, it needs to be knee high by the 4th of July- we are well on the way to that. Our peppers are going bang buster (really well). I need a recipe for jelly with hot peppers. I think that is the only way these are going to be eaten. I know, I planted them, I need to eat them. maybe I can ask Cindy for her hot pepper sauce recipe? I am sure that we will either eat them all or give them away. I find it amazing that the hot peppers are doing better than sweet peppers.
On the bright side, we met the newest neighbors - they moved in next to M. E and E are very cute- they are 4 and 5 and have a 1 year old little sister. So now hijo has 7 girls in the neighborhood under the age of 8 to play with 1 almost 8 year old, 2 5 year olds, 2 4 year olds, and 2 1 year olds. There is a 2 year old next to us, but seeing them outside is an exception rather than the norm. There is 3 year old boy 2 houses away from us- so 8 girls, 2 boys. We need more boys. E and E asked if hijo had plastic food and a kitchen to play with in his house. he does, but I think the kids need to stay outside at this time. I am not sure I can handle 3 kids under the age of 6 right now in the house. Of course, I am not sure hijo can handle playing kitchen with 2 girls at this time either. Maybe after we get to know them better.
Love and hugs,
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