Hijo had such a great time at T and Y's house on Saturday that I bought him his own pool. Yes, I did. why, because he loved it and he is such a water baby. Yes, we go to the YMCA to swim, but going out to the back yard and just splashing around is a good evening idea. Now I just have to get a air pump because I had to borrow one from Mam and Pap. And I need a tarp to put over the pool (tonight it has 2 table clothes on it because I am not wasting 289 gallons of water each day to fill this up and I do not want hijo in water that animals have been drinking from or using as a bathing pool.
Yes, I am slightly germ-o-phobic when it comes to my boy.
He had a great time playing. doesn't this picture make you think he is so much older than 4.75 years? I love that he still has the blow up boat that he was given by the girls. It works great in the pool. he also spent some time scooping bugs out of his pool. He had a great 1.5 hours in the pool playing while I talked with C.
This is C- she came over tonight to talk to me about her mission trip that starts in August. She is looking for sponsors. The funny part of this story- 2 weeks ago I was cleaning out the last 2 boxes from my move (7 years ago) and I found pictures from 17 years ago, when I helped with AWANA and the moms group at church. C was one of the kids in both groups and was in the pictures. I looked at the pictures and wondered what ever happened to the kids. Then 3 days later, C called me and let me know that mutual friends had passed on my contact info and could she come over and tell me about her mission trip.

Her face still looks the same, but she is all grown up. Unbelievable how 17 years years later, people can walk back into your life. I am so glad that she reached out to us.
Love and hugs,
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