Thursday, June 17, 2010

gardening and the benefits

I had to cut the grass today- after a week of rain, we finally had 2 days of no rain so the ground semi dried out.  After cutting grass, we worked in the garden.  I thought I show how the garden is doing now.

Hijo's garden- 2 cucumbers doing great, 2 tomatoes  that we had to replace yesterday because the other ones were not growing at all.  These hopefully will do better.
The strawberry bed- we are at the end of the season for strawberries for us. Now I am preparing for the runners from the momma plants so we have a 4 foot x 4 foot bed of strawberries next year- which means lots and lots and lots of berries for us.

The potato bed.  They are still growing, but there are flowers on the tops, so I could harvest them if I wanted.  But I am going to wait for fall to harvest.

The Swiss chard, sugar snap peas and the the volunteer tomatoes.  The tomatoes are trying to take over the entire bed, but I think I got it under control.  There are lots of tomatoes on these, so I want to keep them.  The sugar snap peas now have a tepee to grow up and we harvested peas tonight.  More on that later.

The tomatoes and peppers bed.  Our green peppers are finally coming along, the hot peppers are ready for harvest, but I am waiting just a while longer so the hot peppers mellow out.

The corn beds- the one on the left is about 3 weeks later in planting then the one with hijo in the picture.

The bonus of the day- finding a blackberry bush in the far corner of the yard.   I have cut this bush back every year since I moved in, thinking it was just another silly bush.  This year I only trimmed it because I liked the shape it had in the spring.  This harvest is going to be awesome!!  right now, most of the berries are still red, but there were enough ripe berries for hijo and I to eat a few and savor what is coming in the next few weeks.
The full bush with hijo trying to get some berries.

hijo wanted the sugar snap peas for dinner and he wanted to prepare the peas.  He loved shelling them.  He told me he liked them after I cooked them but he told Pap that they were not cooked enough.  So I will increase the cooking time.  I liked mine in the shell and steamed- they were delicious.

So the garden grows, hijo is loving the food from the garden, so live is good.

Love and hugs,

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