Yesterday, we headed out to the farmers market. The market moved back to the park, so Bug was a happy boy, playing on the playground. Given that we had snow on Thursday and nearly 6 inches of rain over the last 2 weeks, the ground is saturated. So he only got to play on some things since there was lots and lots of mud around.
Today was a busy day. It started with some shopping. Grandpa Joe fell on Friday morning (early- around 2 am) and he is in the hospital. Hospice has been called in. for my non US readers, hospice is an organization that helps families and individuals through the end of life. So Bug and I shopped for clothes for his funeral. I have been preparing for this for a few years. It is hard, but at the same time, not unexpected. Grandpa Joe will 90 on 23Mar, if he lives that long. It is hard to say good bye, but he will be my grandma and with Jesus. I feel the most sadness for my mom. It can not be easy to loose a parent, and with my grandpa's passing, she will be an orphan. Though she has us (kids and grandkids), she will not have her parents. My heart hurts for her.
After shopping, we headed over to J and N's house for a playdate. We had lunch of homemade pizza, and homemade chocolate chip cookies.
We went to a park that overlooks the river. Due to the rains, the river is 4 feet above flood level- the picture below should have dry ground up to the jut of land in the top left hand corner, but it is all under water. There are 2 houses/buildings flooded down there- the specs in the middle of the water.

Bug also loved playing with Crackers, N's dog.
He barely fits into this car. too funny.
for more photos, you can head over to J's blog and see her pictures and comments on our playdate.tonight we loose an hour of sleep and Bug is still wide awake- this is not a good.
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