Tuesday, March 08, 2011

nothing to report here

It feels like the week has been so long and it is only Tuesday.  I have been in migraine HELL for the last 2 days.  We are getting dumped on by rain- storms sweeping through every few days.  Not that I am complaining about rain, I will take it over snow any day and after being in a drought last summer, rain is good.  it is the pressure change that is bad. 

Bug is going strong- he is here, there and everywhere all the time.  Which is to be expected in a 5 year old boy.  He has had some funny things to say the last few days- but they are TMI (too much information) to share publicly here on the blog.  But it has been hard to keep a straight face while listening to his comments.

The one comment I can repeat is that he is telling me "momma, you are a meanie".  I have about had it with this statement.  So tonight, I told him, I was not mean, I am strict.  I am usually told I am a meanie when I tell him it is time to do homework (4 pm), time to go inside after playing (6 pm), time to eat dinner, usually in response to what I am feeding him, time to put jammies on (7:30 pm) and time for bed (8 pm).  So by telling him I am strict and then having to explain the word strict, he is understanding that we have rules.  let's see how long it takes for him to be telling me all the time that I am too strict.

Lent starts tomorrow.  Since Bug will be learning about Lent at school, I am going to participate.  I am giving up diet soda (did I just say that???) for Lent. Bug is still too young to have to give up anything, but he volunteered to give up candy.  Since he eats candy about once a week, I think he will make it thru Lent.  I am going to be struggling though, since I am drinking about 6-8 diet cokes a day.  Since I do not want to go cold turkey and subject Bug or my work colleagues to my caffeine withdrawal, I am decreasing through this weekend and then will be off caffeine by Sunday.  Then 6 weeks of no caffeine.  time to break the habit again. 

I think that is it for tonight.  migraine is building and I need to turn off the computer and lights and get some sleep so the medicine can work overnight.  Tomorrow is a better day.

Love and hugs,