Monday, March 21, 2011

the drama of sickness

so Bug has been sick for about 3 weeks. The usual, weather changed, allergies flaring sickness with something on top of it.

The problem- he has no other symptoms except a runny nose.  He does not have a fever, he does not have any vomiting, no diarrhea, nothing else.  OK, to appease my dad, Bug is tired- he falls asleep in the car with ease right now (not complaining, it is nice).  But the boy still runs his heart out.

Friday night, I called the doctor because there was goop coming out of the corners of his eyes- unofficial diagnosis- conjunctivitis.  Official diagnosis- a cold in his eyes.
Saturday- Bug complained of a pain on his right side just below his rib cage. Unofficial diagnosis- not appedicistis.  Official diagnosis - unknown.
Sunday, no call to the doctor
Today, Monday, Bug had  a trip to the allergist.  yes, he officially has allergies and unbelievably, he is allergic to Maple trees.  Why do we know this, because the Maple trees started pollinating 3 weeks ago when Bug first got sick.  The doctor says the spike in allergy related issues is directly correlated.
Next thing he found- tonsillitis!!!!  yep, Bug had no symptoms on Wednesday when I took him to see his doctor, but today, he has full blown symptoms- though still NO FEVER.   The allergist did a throat swab, we are awaiting the results.  I am thinking Bug is going to be on an antibiotic within 24 hours.

I am thinking Bug needs a new regular doctor who listens and puts the information together that Bug never gets a fever with his infections. But then again, the allergist today told me, that without a secondary symptom, he would not have done anything if Bug had presented on Wednesday to him.  So it is only the fact that there were some additional symptoms today that caused the doctor to swab his throat to have it tested.

Bug is supposed to be on a field trip tomorrow.  If he is fever free in the morning and wants to go, we are going.  Yes, we are going.  I signed up to be a volunteer parent helper for this field trip a while ago.  Even with the events later this week, I feel it is important that Bug have as normal as possible routine.  Tomorrow is his last day of school for the week (he actually is only missing one day of school this week- Thursday).  But back to the field trip- we are going to the planetarium!!!!!

For those of you who have known me for ages and ages- you can imagine how excited I am- I always loved space- thus the reason I volunteered for this field trip.  I am so excited and praying that Bug feels well enough to go on the trip.

Love and hugs,

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