today, I took Bug to see the Pops and Leahy as a treat. Bug has been to see the Pops outside and enjoyed it. This time, we would be at Music Hall, sitting in seats, with good behavior expected. I was hoping and praying Bug enjoyed the concert. More on Leahy below. Bug wanted to wear his tie and then gave me this face when I tucked the tie into his sweater.
At Music Hall- second floor. Bug liked the chandelier and looking down on the people on the first floor. We were actually seated up on the third floor. But this entertained him for 5 minutes.

In our seats. They were not too bad- slightly obstructed view- meaning we could not see the entire stage, but we at the end of row and there was no one behind us, so we could stand up as needed.
This is pretty much the view we had- though we were up 5 rows from this wall. We could see half the stage.
Another picture of us, after intermission. Bug loved the music. he said his favorite part was when 4 of kids of the band came out and did Irish step dancing. They were awesome. I loved the toe tapping music. The Pops played 2 U2 songs (my favorite band). Bug said he would love to come hear some more music at Music Hall. So I will me looking for some opportunities to take Bug to hear music.

This is party of Leahy- 8 brothers and sisters. I really love their music.
It was a great afternoon. Bug enjoyed it and was good the entire time. he could have skipped the intermission, but he was good and showed how much more self control he has now as a 5.5 year old.
He nearly fell asleep in the car on the way home, and I think we are both going to bed early tonight.
Tomorrow, Mam is having surgery, so it will be a stressful day for me as I worry about the result of her surgery.
Love and hugs,
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