Today was a rainy day here at home. While I was waiting to pick up Bug from the bus, I was thinking that this would be a great day to go splash in some mud puddles. When Bug got off the bus, he immediately asked if we could go play in the puddles after I was done with work. I guess we are having a great start to the week- we are on the same wave length. Bug wanted to invite Little M along too.
I called M's momma and Bug got ready- rain coat- check, frog boots- check, umbrella- check. Same gear for me and we were out the door to pick up M and his momma. While waiting for M to come out, Bug played spin the umbrella.
And he did some great posing for me.
We walked down the street to find some puddles and found this instead. A great Spring photo of the boys.
We hit the jackpot on the last cul-de-sac, a ginormous puddle on the sidewalk and a fast moving stream going to the drain. This is where we stayed for the rest of puddle playtime.

M discovered that an upside down umbrella holds lots of water. Bug was busy finding things to send down the stream- like leaves, grass, and dandelions. I need to find a paper boat tutorial so I can make newspaper boats for Bug to float in the streams.
And then he found acorn caps, which he had to yell at me to look at. He is fascinated by acorn caps.
When we came home, the boys were still determined to play in the street. Our street see lots more traffic compared to the street with the huge puddle, so I suggested they look for worms instead. Bug was a very good encourager to M. Bug wanted M to pick up the worm, and kept giving him instructions on how to do it. But, Bug refused to pick up any worms as 'worms bite'. Where does he get this stuff. Meanwhile, M's momma is preparing to instruct them on how to get 2 worms (pull 1 worm apart). But the boys figured that out on their own.

M was quite happy to hold a worm. And shockingly, so was I. So long as I don't have to put them on a fishing hook, I can hold worms. They are helping turn my clay ground into fertile growing soil.

See, Bug is encouraging- but not getting his fingers anywhere close to the worms.
I think the boys had a great time.
The excitement continued when the UPS truck pulled up to driveway and delivered our 2 apple trees. Bug actually talked to the driver- telling him about the worms.
On the agenda for tomorrow- planting the final 2 apple trees.
Love and hugs,
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