I am sorry about the quality of the pictures- I deleted my photo memory stick before every loaded up and these are all I have.
The funny thing about this part of practice is that Bug and Little M chased after a ball, and both of them ended up in the only mud hole in the field. Thank goodness, I had clothes in the trunk of the car that we were taking to hermano on Friday.
Little M had a fun time sitting on Third base. He lost interest at 1 hour into practice (the normal stopping time), so the last 30 minutes was a lost cause for Little M. But I know 2 mommas who are getting upset that practice is unorganized and going 1.5 hours instead of 1 hour. This momma especially is not happy that Bug is worn out on a school night and getting to bed very late. We did the schedule for the games. They are on Friday nights and a couple are at 7:15 pm. That should just be lovely in terms of behavior given that some kids go to bed at 8 pm (Bug). 

some water to cool down.
The change of clothing
Saturday I took Bug to see RIO. Had I known the entire movie was one big innuendo, we would not have gone. This is a movie that will not be on our 'to buy' list.
But Bug had a great time riding motos and came in 3rd place in one of his games.
Sunday was Palm Sunday. For the last 2 years I have forgotten that the kids march in during the worship songs. This year I was determined that Bug would see me and that I would get a picture (yes, if you have not figured it out, I am one of those mommas). The kids came marching in waving palm branches during the first song and Bug was second in line. he was so happy to see me.

Then I ran up front to get a picture of praising while the band was playing- again, I am one of those mommas.
We came home and Bug played toss-across while I cleaned out the garage.
Bug played with Little M and had a great time.
And today, I finished the quilt top for my bed. I love this fabric. I used it for Nigua's quilt when Bug and I became a family back in 2007, and I loved it. So I bought some more and the quilt has been waiting. I am going to have to take the quilt to the basement to pin it because the living room is too small. I think I have figured out how to quilt it- it is going to take a few days at least.
Bug starts Spring Break on Friday. they got back the days they should have to make up. I had to planned to be Guatemala, but with the uncertainty around Bug's school days, and my work scheduled added on top of the cost of airfare- we are staying home. But the savings for next year have started- we are going back to Guatemala.
Love and hugs,
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