Monday, April 04, 2011

The tale of 2 quilts

A few years ago, I told my friend E, I would make chinese Zodiac quilts for her girls.  It did not matter that at the time she only had one daughter, we knew daughter 2 would be coming home eventually.  So I swapped with other quilters for the fabric for the Chinese zodiac and the fabric sat until inspiration hit.
I quickly got the squares sewn and then hit the wall again. Becuase the plan I had to make the squares look like they were shadowed did not work out and then there was the request from my friend to make the quilts the same so the girls could not fight over the quilts.  First the shadowing made the quilts too dark in my mind (second picture) and then the whole idea of making identical quilts for girls who are 5 years apart in age - knowing that my sister and I did not want to be the same by the time we were in school.  So the quilts are different.  I like the one bordered in cream- it looks like a picture.  The shadowed one is still too dark for me.  Both quilts are going to be backed in the cream fabric.  And they will be made to be wall hangings.  I hope my friend likes them and the girls don't fight over them.

It is not that I dislike the darker quilt, it is just not what I envisioned.  I think if the squares were smaller and the borders around the squares were different, it might have worked.  But part of quilting, especially without a pattern, is learning new things.

So these are quilt tops.  The quilting will take the rest of the month (it is going to be pretty detailed).  More pictures once the quilting commences.

Love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. I love the rich colors in the darker one. It just seems so warm and inviting to me.
