Bug and I headed over to hermano's house today for some 'day before Easter" fun. we saw the Easter bunny's helper
You would think that Bug was not having fun, but he was. He was smiling, but hermano missed the smile here.
Bug got every one smiling here.
The Bunny preparing to start the hunt.
All done. Seriously, the grab and dash hunt took all of 2-3 minutes.
Bug was quite happy with his haul.
On the way back to hermano's house, we drove pass the fields were the cows are now. flooding is occurring and vaca Daddy had to put up some temporary fences to keep the cows and calves from getting into the flood waters.
These are some of the cows up in the 'drier' area. It is quite muddy. There is much more rain expected this week, hopefully these areas will stay dry enough that the cows can stay here.

After driving home, we stopped at the mall to do some shopping for Pap. Bug saw the train and that was it. He had to have a ride.
After church tonight, Bug and I had dinner with Pap and Mam. Bug loves hiding under Pap's chair, but with the way he is growing, he will not fit under the chair much longer.

for Popi, Momi Mireya and the girls: On Friday, when we talked, I was trying to tell you that it was raining here, but I kept using the Spanish for snowing. No wonder you could not understand me. We have gotten record breaking amounts of rain this year and we are expected to get nearly 10 inches of rain this week. We have many roads flooded and as you saw in the picture from the farm, lots of standing water. We came home today to some water leaking in our basement- not a lot, but enough to be an annoyance.
Well, Easter Bunny momma needs to go prep the eggs for the hunt here tomorrow.
Love and hugs,
Could you send some of that rain my way? We are dry as the Mojave!