Bug was dedicated at our last church last year. i have to admit, I was disappointed. Really, what dedication was there, was an introduction of the children to the congregation and an announcement of who the grandparents were. Since Bug's grandparents did not go to that church, no one was announced with us- we were the only family who just had the parent and child announced. There was no laying on of hands, no blessing of the children. I left that service feeling very underwhelmed. I felt that perhaps I was expecting too much given my catholic background. I let it go until I saw the dedication at our new church. Then when the announcement was made about 6 weeks ago, I asked if Bug could be dedicated at our new church.
There was no issue.
This is our pastor- praying over the 5 children dedicated at this service.

Still more prayer

Bug being anointed with oil. The music minister came and laid hands on Bug and prayer for his life and his service to God.

I can not tell you how much this dedication meant to me. I was in tears (trying not show them). This was what I had hoped for the first time I asked Bug to be dedicated. Another sign that we are in the right church home.
Love and hugs,
Love to you,
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