They were not asleep when you called- we have the second crying session of the night- this one is more intense. Y is getting lots of love although she does not want either Bug or I to touch her. Got her calmed down- Mommas always come back is a powerful set of words..
Update #2 9:48 pm:
I hear snoring from the bedroom- this is a good sign. Y cried for 10 mintues, settled down and then cried about 10 minutes later for another 10 minutes. Too cute the snoring- it sounds like baby bears in there.
final update for the night 11:02 pm:
The bears are still sleeping, although the snoring has stopped. Y woke up once crying for you, but I rubbed her belly (she was sleeping face up) and whispered to her that I love her and momma ould be here in the morning and she drifted back to sleep. I had to take the blanket out of her mouth- she had stuffed it into her mouth- I think that was the cause of the snoring. here is a picture of them sleeping- the room was dark (nightlight is on as is the hall light)
Seriously, the final update 3:16 am:
Y has woken up 2 times- but gone right back to sleep. Bug woke up once and requested to come back to Momma's bed- which is where he is now. Momma slept alone for 1.5 hours and has not been back to sleep since Bug came into my bed. I think I am channeling my mother lately. This lack of sleep is not good. I have been out in the living room for 45 minutes and I am feeling tired. So I am going to try to sleep now.
Y came over tonight- her mom has a project going live tonight, so Y is spending the night. Bug's first sleep over. All of this post is info for T so she knows what happened and how Y is doing.
We had chicken and broccoli rice with cheese and chocolate milk for dinner. Bug ate all his and Y ate about 1/2 of hers. Y did drink 2 full glasses of chocolate milk.

After dinner- it was play time- marching and flag waving

Some TV watching

a ride around the coffee table

I left the room at 8:10 pm- Y informed me at 8:11 that she needed to go potty- I refused that request because she had just gone at 8:08. Bug informed me at 8:12 he was thirsty- I refused that request as he refused to finish his milk while watching TV. They have been in there talking off and on since I left the room. Y cried for about 2 minutes after bed for you- but I assured her that you were coming tomorrow and that she was safe and loved while she was with us tonight. Bug also was trying to comfort her- although he was apparently making her mad. I have had to ask Bug 2 times to leave her alone- as I hear her saying No and Bug lets me know he is putting a blanket on her.
They certainly look so sweet together! How nice of you to give such a wonderful update for Y's momma!
ReplyDeleteAww, they are precious!