Thursday, April 16, 2009

Give the boy a scooter and he is off

We will get to the pictures of the scooter in a moment. First some other pictures from this week.

Introducing Mr. basket Head- the joy of my life. he certainly keeps things interesting. Bug acquired the camera this evening- so here are some close up pictures of the ground in our front yard. This one is shadows between leaves

A wider angle shot, so you can see the mulch

Grass (encroaching on my flower beds).

Our lone tulip and our bunny statues. There are 2 bunnies- the baby is hiding behind the momma, much like Bug hides behind me.

Our lilac bush. It smells fantastic. I really cut it back last year and I was very worried that the recent cold weather would damage the buds and I would get nothing. But, luck was on our side and the bush is bursting with flowers.

Bug took the car out for a spin this evening.

he did some digging in the garden (no mulch in this section- it is one the to-do list)

Some soccer playing. Bug will be starting soccer lessons in 3 weeks. YIKES!!! Every Thursday night for 6 weeks- 30 minutes of practice/lessons and 15 minute games. Y is on the team with Bug so it should be exciting. I have to go pick up his shirt, shin guards and regulation ball this weekend.

finally the pictures you have been waiting for.... Little Man has a scooter and he is happy, happy, happy.

This is how you do it, momma.

Look both ways as you come down the driveway

make sure never to look the adult with the camera in the eye- that would be a bad thing.

Riding passed the floors.

We have a busy weekend planned- We have a birthday party to attend and then we are going to see Hermano!!!!!!!! Fun, fun, fun, fun.
Love to you,


  1. Funny. We frequently call Rudy "Bucket Head" since he likes to wear one around the house (it's a toy one he's had since our first visit).
    Bug is getting to be such a big boy. I can't believe he's riding a scooter!

  2. I love when kids take photos - I love seeing from their perspective.
