Sunday, April 05, 2009

Preparing the yard for Spring- it is really not here yet

Well, we have been faked out- the wonderful weather that we have been having the last week was just a cruel joke to catch us all off guard when winter returns. Tonight was have rain, the fore runner of the snow coming tomorrow!! yes, the high temperature for tomorrow will actually be at midnight tonight- it will be 57 degrees. During the day tomorrow- the temperature will fall. They are calling for accumulating snow- that means at least an inch or 2.

So today Bug and I worked in the yard- I cut the knock out roses back (it is time), I raked the garden beds to get rid of the leaves and other garbage that got in over the rest of the winter. We weeded, I plotted out where I would like to expand the front garden, I pulled grass out of the garden and Bug played.
he was waiting all afternoon for M to come home. She is the 6 year old that lives across the street. She wanted to play with Bug yesterday, but we were too busy, so her mom said she could play today. She wanted to play basketball with Bug. M finally got home around 2:30 pm, right around the time that the rain was supposed to come in- but the rain held off until 7 pm, so Bug and M played basketball while K (M's mom) and I talked on the porch.

Mam and Pap arrived at 3 ;30 and I cooked dinner for every one. I remember going to my mom;s house on Sunday's and now it looks like it is my turn to host the Sunday dinners. And, I like it. I like gathering together and talking and enjoying life. So perhaps it is time to start a new tradition with Laura and her family coming over for dinner and Dave too- just being a family. With Summer coming (some time this year), there is a back porch calling us for dinner and a grill that cooks food so fast.

It was another good day. I worked in the yard from 12:30- 3:30. I like seeing the results of hard work- of course, my body is "yelling" at me tonight for doing so much - but it is good yelling and I know I will sleep good tonight.

Bug rode a scooter today and I did get pictures, but I am too tired and my feet hurt so bad, that I will have to wait until tomorrow to go find the camera and upload the pictures.

Love and hugs,

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