Thursday, April 02, 2009

yet another trip to the park AKA I can do IT!!!!!!

Yesterday, we headed to the park again. it was a little cool and breezy, but Bug had a great time showing me what he could do all by himself.

Climbing the rope course- NO PROBLEM

Walking the rope bridge- NO PROBLEM

Hanging around- NO PROBLEM

Climbing through tires- NO PROBLEM


Dancing to the ice cream truck music- NO PROBLEM

Climbing on all the monkey bars- NO PROBLEM

Tonight, we headed to my favorite store to pick up blueberry bushes, but they were out. Luckily they will have more this weekend. We did get 4 strawberry plants, 2 4 packs of marigolds, 1 cilantro plant, one sage plant, one basil plant. We came home and I planted all those and planted 2 broccoli plants in addition to all the above plants. we are supposed to get a huge rain storm this evening- actually it is starting now, so I need the plants in the garden so they are watered in by the rain.
I have the gardens all planned out now- sat tonight and did that. We are going to be eating alot of lettuce, radishes, and carrots- hopefully Bug will learn to like these this year. Either that or the rabbits will be feasting.
Of course after finding the dead adult rabbit in the yard on Monday- I am concerned about someone in the neighborhood poisoning rabbits. I was cutting grass and looked over at Bug on the slide/fort. I noticed there was something brown just under the slide. At the same point, he noticed it. I walked over knowing exactly what it was- a rabbit. I was hoping the rabbit was playing dead because Bug had him cornered, but no- it was really a dead rabbit. Poor thing. I went to the shed to find something to pick up the rabbit with and could only find a large garbage bag. There was no way to remove Bug from the scene. So Bug watched me pick up the rabbit with the garbage bag, roll the bag so the rabbit went inside and tied off the bag. Bug really wanted to know why I was putting the rabbit in the bag. I explained that his body was not working and that the rabbit's spirit had gone to live with God in heaven so that his body was not needed.
I don't that I handled it right- I would have preferred that he not see me put the rabbit in the bag- but death is part of life. I was not about to bury the rabbit- we have enough animals in the neighborhood- I don't need scavengers in my yard too. Yes, I threw the bag with the rabbit in the trash. I felt bad, Bug was just trying to understand it all. Any thoughts on what I should have done, or should do if we have another dead rabbit in the yard?
Love and hugs,
We are running off to bed now.


  1. Wow. He is so big! I probably would have done the same thing with the rabbit. I think if you had tried to hide it from him, then he would probably think it was something was really bad rather than seeing that death is a natural part of life.

    Ya know, I noticed that when I clicked on your name after you commented on my blog, your new blog did not come up. It said that your profile was private. I don't know if that is what you intended or not, but if not you may need to make your profile public. Maybe that is why?

    You are so generous to offer some scrapbooking goodies! You certainly don't need to do that, sadly I have not even used all of the stuff I won in that raffle! I have a lot of catching up to do!

  2. Aww, what a big boy he is becoming! I love the dancing picture :)

    And I think you handled it just right. It really does depend on the kid though, but from what you descibed, he didn't sound upset- just curious. I remember when I was 6 or 7 we found a dead bunny that had fallen in our pool. I cried and cried and cried and made my mom bury it and have a funeral for it :)
