Pictures are in reverse order- evening to just after church.
Bug found the spaceship- and feeling confident in his climbing abilities, he climbed up into this and then found out that he was stuck. there is no level point in the spaceship- so I pulled him out thru the window, but he was fine and he really wanted to go back up the ladder.

Soccer (futbol) boy. Soccer starts in 2 weeks for Bug. I had him practicing this evening.

Of course, we did some swinging. Bug loves to go HIGH

The cheesy grin. I stood in front today and got to see the absolute joy on his face while he swung. Just joy- pure joy.

Another cheesy grin. He was busily showing me his new talent for climbing up this ladder. The place to get out is behind his head, but the way the ladder is set up, you have to go up backward to the opening. So Bug had to think about how to solve the way to get to the opening and still remain safe. I was actually sitting 10 feet away when he figured it out (I assume he would not get up the ladder and he would call for me- boy was I wrong). Bug thought it through and figured it out on his own. I am so proud of him for figuring it out and then he figured out a better way to do it. One smart little boy.

See, this is how you have to go up to be the safest. His butt will actually be facing the opening to the top bridge when he gets up the ladder.


Blueberries and cream for dessert. Bug was in heaven with the whipped cream and blueberries.

Little Man ate 3 big ears of corn. He was hungry and he loves corn on the cob

Busy buttering the corn

Loving his corn- the evidence is all over his mouth.

He ate one small, tiny bite of the hamburger. I was actually shocked he asked me to make him a hamburger.

One piece of the tomato before the corn fest.

The table set. The flowers are sunflowers. they make me happy, so I bought some. We will be planting some sunflower seeds this week, so maybe by summer's end I will have some sunflowers from my garden

A watermelon icee to enjoy

I cut grass right after church. I had finished and taken a shower, when I heard the ice cream truck (helado bus?????) coming up the street. We raced outside to get a ice cream. What fun, cut the grass and get a reward.

Making a choice

Well, that was our day. Bug had no nap today and he is fast asleep in the bed. I shoudl head to bed too.
Love and hugs,
He's such a little man! Truck = camion, or camioneta. Ice cream store = heladeria.