We had a wonderful day. It started at 9 am when we picked up Mam to go to the flower show at the zoo. It ended at at 7:45 tonight when we walked back in the door after a full, full day.
As usual the pictures are in reverse order.
We had dinner at our favorite Cracker Barrel. This was not the original plan, but my favorite store gave me incorrect info a few days ago, and they are not getting another shipment of blueberry bushes. So we headed over to the HD near Cracker Barrel to see if they had some. Sure enough, they did- they actually had better ones than my store carried. So we got 2 blueberry bushes that will sit in the garage this week because we are supposed to get snow on Monday or Tuesday!!!! We covered the strawberry plants with leaves today, and tomorrow, I will go out and brush some off during the day and then cover them back up in the evening before the frost hits and the snow flies.

Bug, playing on the front porch at Cracker Barrel. he loves the checker, but he kept telling me that we were playing hi-ho cheerio.

Bug is learning new things all the time- he buttered and put the jelly on his biscuit. It is like is suddenly gets how to use a knife. Yes, he was careful and I watched him the entire time. I am so proud of him.

He had to ride the pony in the store part of Cracker Barrel. In many ways, this is the sad part of the time we missed- because he would have one of these if he came home younger, but he really was already too big for it when he came home. So I guess he is just going to have to love riding real ponies.

last stop at the zoo- the train. One happy family together. Pap stayed home to cut grass since the snow is coming.

2 mommas and their cubs.

The polar bears were swimming, walking and having a good time.

Bug had to ride the camel

And sit in the spider web

Who knew that there are little penguins who like warmer temps??? We found these behind the children's zoo. Today, we actually looked at the map and took paths that we normally don't. We found the backside of the children's zoo, the trail where in a month, all the monkeys will be out in and the tigers and cheetahs. Our zoo does not have a large area to expand into- actually, it has no land to expand into as it is surrounded by residential housing on all sides. So to find hidden pockets is great. The zoo has done a great job of using narrow paths that switch back and forth to maximize the animal exhibits. There are still some that are hard to see- knowing that the animals really need more room to be happy. But our zoo tries very hard.

The white tigers. They could use more room

The carousel- Mam sat on the bench. She says that 2 hip replacements mean she can not swing her leg over the other other animals on the carousel.

Bug rode the shark. I was on the seal next to him, but the seat was too small for my large bottom- so I moved to the puma.

Bug freely posed with the gorilla- no bribes on my part.

Visiting with the sand cats again this time. He really likes the sand cats, and asked if we could have a cat. Unfortunately, I am allergic- so no more cats in our house ( I had 2 before Bug came home- they both died of old age).

Our money is put to goo use

Bug likes putting the change I bring in the wishing well and watching it spin around.

I made sure I brought lots of change today.

This is a read panda. Down another trail that we recently discovered. The bamboo towers over you and it is like walking into a secret area. There are seldom other families in this section and today we got to talk to the zoo keeper for about 10 minutes- learning about the pandas. This one's name is Li-Li.

We walked behind the reptile house and found this!!!!! We never walk the backside of the reptile house- heck, we both refuse to go in the reptile house. So find about 10 peacocks and peahens hanging out sunning themselves. One peacock was really riled up and strutting his stuff.

We found this cherry tree. Bug wants a cherry tree- but all thrones at the HD and the nurseries in the area have weeping cherries. That would be fine, and then we saw this one- I love the structure of it- intertwining branches. So I took a picture of the name plate in front of it so I check to see if a nursery can get one in for me NEXT year.

Some of the thousands upon thousands of tulips in the zoo that are blooming. I love these- orange, yellow and a hint of red. Got a picture of the name plate for these too.

Bug refused to sit with me for this picture- it was still very early in the day and he was not so excited about being at the zoo. The elephants were blocked off from our usual viewing point and he was not happy. So he sat with Mam while she took the pictures.
We also went grocery shopping today, set up the supports for the garden- some vertical gardening. We cleaned up the yard a bit- covered the strawberries, onions, broccoli, and potatoes with leaves due to the coming weather. I hope that we don't lose anything.
Well, Bug was asleep in 10 minutes, I told him I was coming to bed early- so I should finish up reading blogs and head off to bed.
love to you,
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