Mariposa had a great first day- or at least a typical first day. She arrived on time (yea mom), she found a friend to have lunch with, she found her ride home (car pooling with the family across the street). So all is good!!!!!
She did mention that her French teacher could not remember french words during class and kept saying "I forget the French word for that". So this should be good in terms of funny stories through the year.
Bug made some new friends- like this young man from Denmark
And this young man from Spain
And this young man from Egypt
It was a great time and Bug was the hit with the German speaking girls- according to Mariposa. It was a good time.
Our city with the river. I remember why I love this city- awesome views, water and big city stuff with a small town feel.
Saturday we went roller skating. Bug skated once around the rink and then decided that he had enough. So he was the picture taker.
Bug having Fun with Tulip