Thursday, August 13, 2009

Mariposa is on her way!!!!!

Mariposa should be at the airport now. She begins a long journey- rumor has it most of the exchange students don't sleep the night before leaving and they don't sleep on the flight to the US.
So i am guessing that when we pick her up from the welcome house on Saturday evening, she will exhausted or hyped up on adrenaline.

The house is almost ready for the parties and her arrival. Today Jason came over and cleaned while I cut the grass. Bug and Jason did the following tonight:
1. Swept the floors in the living room, dining room, hallway, Mariposa's room and Bug's room
2. dry mopped the floors in all the rooms above
3. wet mopped the floors in all the rooms above
3. moved all the clean laundry from the basement to the living room so I could fold it.

Still left to do:
1. clean the bathrooms- Saturday morning task
2. put away all the folded laundry- during lunch on Friday
3. Clean the kitchen counters- Friday evening
4. scrub the kitchen floor- Friday evening

What will not get done:
1. cleaning Momma's room (that is what doors are for- no one will notice)

I am feeling awesome about the parties and Mariposa's arrival. And I am so grateful for Jas' help. he is a great young man, I hope that Bug grow up to be like him.

I had a wonderful experience today- I chatted with Susy today. so cool. I cannot wait for Saturday when we chat and have a webcam session with them. I can't wait to see them and talk to them.

That is all for tonight.

Love to you,

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