We attended a birthday party today- Bug got to roller skate for the first time. It has been almost 25 years since I roller skated. We both loved it. I got the fee schedule and I think we will be doing this activity more frequently. Mariposa- we hope you like roller skating.
Bug skating!!!! I skated ahead of him to get the picture- no way he was going out there alone. This is the third time we went out on the skating floor.
Momma and Bug. I hate this picture- shorts are too bug so it makes me look bigger. I knew I should have worn a belt. And it is time to really work on losing weight. Hopefully skating regularly will help with that.
This is the first time out- I made Bug wear a helmet because I was afraid if he fell and hit his head. he was fine and actually too hot, so we ditched the helmet after our first trip out.
It was a good day. We ended the day with Mam and Pap coming over and I grilled hamburgers on the grill, we had corn on the cob and just had a good time.
Our evening was tinged with the information that my BF (best friend) mother in law has been diagnosed with liver cancer, my uncle was diagnosed with colon cancer and my step brother's mother died unexpectedly today. We are praying for healing for R and Uncle H and praying for God's grace and mercy on for T's family. If you would pray for them too- it would mean so much to us.
Love and hugs.
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