Slept late- 7:45 am. This is an hour and 15 minutes later than our normal time. I got breakfast for Bug, as Mariposa was still sleeping and then I cut the grass.
At 9:30 am, I had an online baby shower for my cyber friend S who is going to be leaving soon for Ethiopia to pick up Miracle.
After the shower, I gave the kiddos a choice of what we should do for the day- apparently Bug lobbied to go to the aquarium because he said Mariposa agreed.
So off to Mam and Pap's house to pick up Mam for some fun while Pap choose to stay home and rest.
The aquarium rocked. We saw divers cleaning the tube tunnels.

The whole gang- we pick up Pap for lunch and ice cream

We had Skyline for lunch and Mariposa liked it. She is awesome with her willingness to try things. It is also great that she likes many of my favorites.

We walked on the people bridge and saw the "Big Mac" bridge.

We fed lorekeets.- this one was so cute- he was scared to come drink from the cup in my hand, but he drank from the cup once I set it down.

Mr. Shy guy Lorekeet.

Mariposa and bug killing frogs trying to cross the highway (some video game)

See- she is trying to get the frog across- but NO, the frog died.

Bug getting set to kill his frog- ooops- I mean try to get his frog across the road.

We saw some Nemos (clown fish)

Some turtles and alligators.

Some sea anemones.

An octopus

some JELLIES!!!!

Some smiling kiddos who had a great time.

Some kiddos checking out everything

A picture snapping Bug

It was a good day. We are headed back to the aquarium on Thursday afternoon. It should be less crowded and we can take our time and really see everything. mariposa must have taken a hundred pictures and I still have to download the pictures from bug's camera.
Friday morning, Mariposa registered for classes. her counselor is the niece of one of my classmates from 25 years ago!!! Yep, it is a pretty small community I live in- people really never leave.

Mariposa has orientation on Wednesday night, she gets her actual schedule with room assignments, her school id and gets to walk through the school. it should be a stroll down memory lane for me.
I am off to cut fabric for a quilt swap. Love and hugs,
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