Monday, August 24, 2009

driving the car

we went driving tonight- Bug driving. The pictures are in reverse order.

Bug, carrying his car into the house after his "accident"
The perils of driving as a preschooler. Bug hit a bump in the sidewalk and went right over the front of his car- the car stopped and Bug did not. Since the car is so low to the ground, Bug was fine, other than the drama and trauma of this boo-boo.

Righting his car after the accident.

right before the accident

coming down the hill- he was having a good time. he has gotten the coasting down.

Bug and Mariposa coming down the hill.

best buddies.

resting on mariposa

coasting along.

loving driving through the neighborhood.
Love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh, is that the same Cadillac ride on toy? Bug has gotten sooo big!!!

