Sunday, August 30, 2009

too tired to post pictures tonight

I am just too tired to deal with the camera tonight.

Bug was exhausted, basically had a meltdown, sugar crash at the end of the exchange student picnic- apparently I am the MEANEST MOMMA IN THE WORLD according to Bug. Oh well to that. He went to bed early and shockingly (NOT) was asleep in 10 minutes.

I am waiting to put the teenager to bed too. She has a 6:30 am wake up in the morning for the first day of school. I feel like that commercial that Staples runs as the their back to school sales start.

The exchange student picnic was great- but I probably can not post any pictures as all the folks at the picnic had name tags on. So to protect privacy, no pictures from the picnic. Bug spent the first part of the picnic playing soccer and Frisbee with the "big boys", he spent the rest of the picnic playing cars with another little brother. It was great.

I am off to veg and watch football.

Love to you,

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear how the first day of school went. Glad you had a great time at the picnic.
