OK- right away - let's get it on the table, I am a slacker mom or at least a new mom. I was so busy running around this morning making sure we got out the door on time that I forgot to take the first day of school picture. So I took one this afternoon of the tired Mariposa with everything stacked up after I signed a billion papers for her teachers.
Mariposa had a great first day- or at least a typical first day. She arrived on time (yea mom), she found a friend to have lunch with, she found her ride home (car pooling with the family across the street). So all is good!!!!!
She did mention that her French teacher could not remember french words during class and kept saying "I forget the French word for that". So this should be good in terms of funny stories through the year.

Yesterday we attended the welcome party for all the AFS students. We were a park I had not been too- quite the experience for the kids getting there and then finding out we were an hour early. Oh well, we got to enjoy the views in the park.

Bug made some new friends- like this young man from Denmark

And this young man from Spain

And this young man from Egypt

It was a great time and Bug was the hit with the German speaking girls- according to Mariposa. It was a good time.

This is Bug sound asleep after our adventure getting to the park. nothing like not goggling the directions and only having very complete directions from a friend, but not having all the directions- as in having a picture to refer to. Little man took a 20 minute nap in the car and Mariposa and I stood outside and took pictures of him and the scenery.

Our city with the river. I remember why I love this city- awesome views, water and big city stuff with a small town feel.
Saturday we went roller skating. Bug skated once around the rink and then decided that he had enough. So he was the picture taker.

Momma skating by

Bug having Fun with Tulip

Tulip- not her name, but you know every one gets a nickname on this blog. This Tulip, she is here from Japan. Mariposa and Tulip had been thrown together because her host momma and I used to work together and she is our liaison. So the girls are thrown together about once a week but they attend different schools.

Bug in the midst of being mad at me that I would not take us home since he did not want to skate.

Mariposa and Tulip skating. This was Tulip's first time skating, Mariposa is an old hand at skating. I think the girls had a good time.
Love and hugs,
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