last night I took hijo over to the park near Mam and Pap's house. It was very hot and we were the only ones there. Hijo had a hard time playing alone, but the ultimatum of "you either find something to play on in the next 15 minutes or we are going home" gave him the incentive to play. He ended up playing for an hour and in the last 30 minutes another family came to the park and hijo had a friend to play with.

Hijo did have a big case of "I can't do it momma" though. 3 weeks ago, he slide the pole all by himself, but tonight he was not doing it. Of course the ultimatum helped him decide to do other things like the climbing wall.
by the time we left, the rain clouds were moving in and thunder was heard. Hijo was a sweat-dripping little man, but so cute. We rushed home to cut the front grass (15 minutes) and then prepared for the rain that never came last night. The rain finally came this morning, but we still need more. Nothing like temperatures over 90 F and a heat index at 100 F to really cause plants to wilt. I have been taking care to water the vegetable garden, but have neglected the flower garden. I guess I need to make sure it get water on Saturday morning. we have a quiet weekend planned- although we are hosting a World cup final party on Sunday afternoon. I need to get laundry done and suitcases packed on Saturday as I have a business trip next week.that's all for today.
Love and hugs,
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