Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy 4th of July

We headed out, after church, to show the boys the city.  first stop- a great old train terminal- now used for 2 passenger trains per day and housing 5 museums.  The view from the front is awesome, the Skyline before you, this great art deco building and fountain behind you.  The boys were unimpressed.  The adults were very impressed.
Tower A in the terminal was open- so were went up and viewed the train yards (all controlled from Florida, if you can believe it).  Hijo found the train table and ignored the view out the windows.

We then climbed to the top of the highest building in the city- 50 floors (OK, we only had to climb one flight of stairs as the elevator takes up 49 floors).  The boys were slightly impressed. For the first time, hijo showed a fear of heights, he was not even going to let me hold him and look down.  Maybe next time.

We then headed back down to the square to enjoy the festival and the fireworks later- but the festival was not family friendly, so we got some ice cream and left.  But before leaving, we saw a Rolls Royce that  hijo declared was the president's car.  So he had to stand next to it.  Then we played at the water wall

And Aunti Linda taught him to fling water - he was soaked, soaked , soaked.  We headed out to the mall next - just show the boys around.  Then we headed back to my parents' house.  There was talk of going to the fireworks in our township, but here I sit watching fireworks on TV and Hijo is sound asleep on the couch.  Fireworks are exploding outside through the neighborhood, but maybe next year we'll sit out and enjoy them.

Tomorrow we are off to the zoo for the day. 

Happy Birthday America!!!!!!!


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