We headed north on Friday - a chance to visit my best friend and some wel deserved rest and relaxation.
Hijo napped on the way up- it is about 4 hour drive. We stopped for dinner and I stretched my legs some. By this point, hijo was asking how much longer. Oh joy, the typical kid question from the back has started now. can we go back to him napping the entire way north (last year). We arrived just after 9 pm and every one immediately went to bed.

In the morning, the kids began the process of establishing the pecking order. Little bit was at the bottm, just because she is 15 months old. Interestingly, at this point, hijo was the top kid. Ladybug soon let him know that since he is the middle one, and she is top kid in the house as the oldest. My kind of girl. Of sourse I sat and watched the hair fixing process and again thank God that I am the mother of boy. I just cannot do the ahir thing- how to fix it, what things to use, 20 minutes of doing (E is much faster than 20 minutes- but it was long enough in my mind). Nope, I ma glad to have a boy- run a brush through it and we are good to go. Of course it helps that hijo has curly hair.

We figured out how to get 3 car seats in one row and hijo volunteered for the middle row on the way downtown. Then it became a fight as to who was going to sit in the middle each time we got back into the car. I am so proud of E and I for getting 3 car seats in one row- and E for finding the smaller car seat for the middle. It worked and it the kids did not kill each other at any point. We had planned a trip to the zoo near them, but it was usposed to rain most of the day, so we stayed close to home- the hands on Museum.

Everyone had a great time. Lit bit loved the blocks. Hijo figured out how to be a plumber. This should come in handy when I redo the bathrooms in a few years.

And then he found the water. Hijo is drawn to water- it calls to him. He would have been happy to play here all day. But then we found the music toy- which allowed him and ladybug to play songs after building the pipes for the organ.
Bug they had to fish first. E figured it out today that we have een friends over 30 years!!!! When did we get old enough to be friends that long???? here is a prayer that our kids are friends for just as long!!!
We headed up another level in the musuem and found the piano keyboard that you can walk on- or in hijo's case, slide on. He was loving it. Little bit was not loving it. Then Hijo and ladybug found the climbing wall-ladybug did great and she would have continued to climb. Hijo got a little scared and he was done.
So off to the general store we went. he was selling me fabric and corn at this point.
Then we found the best part- the ambulance. This was too cool. Altough hijo would have preferred that the siren actually worked.
After the museum, we headed to T.arget - hijo ended up with a new bathing suit (hehehehe). Then it was lunch at my favorite middle eastern resturant- YUMMMMMMM!!!! Before target, we also checked out the farmer's market. We got some great bread that I brought home to eat the next few days.
Little bit needed a nap, so I took the big kids to the park for a while. This is where ladybug established that she is the top kid. She made sure hijo knew that she was the oldest and dominat one in the kids by showing him that she could ride her bike faster and longer then he could ride his scooter. Hijo moved on to bouncy toys at the park and he was quite happy.
There was even a purple dinosauer that we both could be on. Eat your heart out Barney.

Some sliding races and lots of ties. I hope E does not freak out by the stomach sliding- they were fine.
Another test of speed.\
dinner was burritos and salsa made from my Guatemalan cookbook. It was a hit- quite the international weekend.
After dinner, we got the kids ready for bed and then set up to watch S.tar T.rek- the latest movie- thanks uncle Dave!! The movie was a hit with the adults who all enjoyed the TV show an dother movies. Ladybug stayed up through the entire movie, hijo was asleep half way through.
We had a drum circle this morning- hijo was happy.
The girls had a good time.