Some fun changes going on at casa de Cole.
These are the back steps- they look fine, but they are rusting and the railings are scary. I usually block the railing going to the basement door with the grill becuase I am so scared hijo will either run into the railing or grab on to it to look down the steps and the railing will give way.
I have been planning to replace the stairs with a small landing/porch and steps to the patio for 2 years. Now is the time it is finally being done.
But before I get to the changes, I am going to show off my gardens- The strawberry bed with 3 volunteer potato plants. The poatoes never came up last year but are coming up this year- coool!!!!!!!

The onion and potato bed- the onions are coming up in the middle and the potatos are out on the edges.

The lettuce, swiss chard, radishes, carrots, snap peas bed. Nothing coming up yet, but it has only been 5 days since things were planted.
The soon to be tomato, peppers and cucumbers and maybe bush beans.
It needs a layer of compost- that will come next weekend
Old steps removed. WOW- what a difference.
The beginning of the porch area- about 3 feet out and then the steps will come off the end. The builder is over in the corner of the picture. We were talkign later and he suggested exactly what I had envisioned 2 years ago but was told by the H.ome D.epot folks, could no tbe done. I am so excited.
Hijo was completely enthralled when he got hom. he had to sit in front of the door before soccer and watch.
When we got home, this is what we found- day 1 done. The porch is done, the steps will be done as soon as the weather allows (we are expecting rain all weekend).

Hijo had week 3 of soccer and he is loving it. Although apparently someone called him a "baby" tonight while he was on the field.he was very sad. I am not sure what to do- so I told hijo to tell the other kid that he was not a baby but a big boy since they are all on the big kid team. Thankfully there are only 3 more weeks of this and then we can try another league.
He did a great job tonight- he was in the mix, running after the ball, helping his teammates and listening to his coaches. But I am happy that he is out there participating and smiling through the session.
Love and hugs,
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