Tonight was night 2 of soccer. Hijo is loving it. He had an anxious moment this week, but quickly got over it. He was ready tonight.
Warm up drills- dribbling the ball- then nose or arm, or knee to the ball. I think this is teaching them that they need to listen to the coaches.
dribbling the ball through the cones. Hijo actually went around the cones until the kids were told to knock down the cones- then he was knocking down cones left and right.

during the "match" Hijo was choosen to be the goalie. he last for this kick and then like the other team, all the kids were racing after the ball and kicking.
Hijo was sweating up a storm out on the field. He was totally worn out after the 45 minutes out there- 45 minutes total- 25 minutes of drilling and then 20 minutes of the match.
He was having so much fun.
My only problem with soccer this year, the parents. This session is not scored- the kids are being taught to have fun and to learn the fundamentals of the game- but there are many parents who are screaming at thier kids like they are playing for a championship. I don't mean that parents should not be cheering on their kids- but when you stand there and scream at your 4 year old for not going after the ball, for not kicking the ball and for talking to their teammates, it makes me want to cry. I want hijo to learn that sports are fun, that participating is the reward, that playing the game is the goal. I want him to learn the fundamentals so he gain skills that he might want to use on a competitive team. I don't want him to feel that he is a loser becuase his team does not score as many goals. Tonight he told me "momma we did not win". I spent the car ride home trying to help him understand that the coaches are not counting goals, that they want him to have fun and to play. I am not sure he understood. I may call the soccer center tomorrow to see what the coaches felt about the parents tonight. I just want him to enjoy himself and to learn.
I praise him for his hard work on the field, his efforts, his kicking and his listening. I think my praise is being drown out by parents who scream louder than me during the session. why do parents have to push their kids to be winners at such a young age- can't they just be kids for a few more years??
Love and hugs,
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