Tuesday, April 06, 2010

building gardens for the future- we love frsh veggies

It was a busy year dwork day for us this evening.  I have to say the difference in hijo from last year to this year is amazing.

1. He listens and remembers- for example, I only had to tell him once not to walk in front of my lawn mower. 2. he happily mowed the lawn with his bubble mower in another area of the yard.
3. I did not have to stop every 5 minutes to answer some "silly, would you pay attention to me mom" question
4. he mowed his area the entire time it took me to mow the entier backyard- about 45 minutes.

Of course, he had to have some fun- like mowing the slide, racing across the yard, etc.  It was so nice to just get the mowing done quickly and to know that hijo is so much more mature this year and understands helping around hte house and yard and that I need to focus on mowing in order to be safe and be done.  I love it.  I think this is the best age ever!!!!!!

After 45minutes of work in the yard- we both needed a water break.  Hijo was guzzling his water and ended up drink a quarter of mine. And then he was off to mow some more grass.  he used an entire bottle of bubbles tonight.

After resting and finishing our water, we started on building the 3 new garden boxes for our back yard- these are 4x4x10- which is 4 feet by 4 feet by 10 inches. 2 will be for the carn we are going to try to grow this year and the 3rd for the tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers.  That leaves the 3 boxes from last year for strawberries (1 box), potatoes and onions (1 box) and then carrots, radishes, lettuce and whatever else I can squeeze in (1 box).

I let hijo use the electric screwdriver- he was very good with it.  It is a shame that it lost it's charge on the second box.

I did the pilot hole drilling for the screws.

This is the layout.  In the summer all the beds/boxes will be in sunny until at least 8 pm.  the ones furthest away- where hijo is standing will be the corn boxes and the tomatoes/cucmbers/peppers.  about half the strawberries are in the box closest to us- but I need about 4 more to complete the box and still give them room to exapnd over the year and overwinter.  This should be the last year I have to buys strawberry plants for this box.

I am so excited and even more excited that I found something to put around the beds/boxes to kill the grass without using chemicals.  Wait until I show you.

And this is not all for our gardens- I am going to give hijo the containers for him to garden it- those will be up on the patio.  We should be eating well this summer.

Well that is all for tonight.  Hijo is sound asleep- it took 10 minutes and I am pretty tired too. 

Love and hugs,

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