Thursday, April 01, 2010

fun times- flowers and play ground time

The flowers are blooming here at our house- the grape hyacinths and daffodils.  The lilac bush is budding out, another few weeks and there should be some wonderful smells in the yard.  I am excited.  I also see that I need t get some more bulbs in fall becuase I want way more flowers blooming now.
I took hijo to the park to play tonight.  It was mid 70s (20C) and he insisted on jeans today.  Tomorrow he is wearing shorts.  YES!!!!  warm weather and shorts a perfect combination.

Nothing holds him back now.  He just goes and goes and goes.  He scrambled up the rock wall, jumped down steps, slid every slide and ran and ran.  he had 2 other little boys to play with and the mommas just watched them run all their energy out, knowing that they would crash into sleep tonight. Hijo was awake no more than 5 minutes after he went to bed.  The plan worked!!!!

Some more thoughts from yesterday's emotions.  Hijo needs to grieve and his grief will come and go- he lost everything in the adoption.  As he grows up, he will gain new awarenesses of what he lost and he will need to grieve over that.  It is good that grieves, it is good that he lets me comfort him, it is good that despite the pain, he still wants to call the girls.  The calls now are his choice.  If he told me that he did not want to talk to Popi and the girls, then I would talk to them and allow him to be in bed or playing in the house- but he wants the calls and he really wants to talk to them, he just gets overwhelmed when it comes to talk.  This is to be expected.  I would be more worried if he showed no interest or no emotion.  This morning he said he was still sad, but this afternoon/evening he was happy and feeling fine. This is the cycle and it will go on for years.  each time his feelings are validated and he learns how to deal with them, he grows stronger, he becomes better prepared to deal with the next time, to know what triggers the emotions. 

So we move on- nothing I wrote yesterday was to make anyone feel sad or upset- it was jsut to journal the journey that hijo is on.

love to you,

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