This post has lots of pictures- starting off with Friday night: Hijo decided he was scared of something at bed time and he needed to sleep on the couch with me before I went to bed. He was definitely working through something because he was squirmming all over the couch. This is how he looked right before he woke up at 10 pm
Saturday morning, we headed over to our favorite store H.ome D.epot for the kids building class- butterfly house this month. We also bought wood for the next garden beds we are building, so it was a good morning.
Saurday night, we were volunteering at La Vina- the hispanic church near us. Before heading down, we stopped for dinner at the burrito place. Hijo loves this place and so do I. We were making silly faces. We had to get dinner as we left for church at 2:30 (we had to pick up some craft things for the kids) and we would not going to be home until at least 7:30 pm. But turns out, there was dinner at church- hot dogs, chips and lemonade. Hijo was happy eating chips.
This is Opie (nichname she choose), she is actually hijo's favorite Sunday school teacher at our home church. Turns out she is the daughter of the children's church teacher at La Vina!!!! How cool is that??? We were expecting as many as 60 kids Saturday night for Easter service at La Vina, but we had our usual 20 kids. I am not sure if it is becuase it would be culturally unacceptable to celebrate Easter on Saturday night or if folks stayed away due to the awesome weather we had here. In any case, the kids still heard the story that Jesus died on the cross for them and rose again to give them new life. Christ is Risen!!!!!!
Sunday morning, Hijo was so nicely dressed- he picked the tie- I picked the rest. He insisted on wearing it out of his sweater.
The first and thrid Sunday, we had out bulletins to folks coming into the church- hijo loves this job. It was Mam's turn to hand out bullentins and hijo had to help too.
Rolling his eyes at me for taking another picture.
This is how he helps- such a bug boy and great helper.
****************Easter Bunny spoilers below**********
while we were at church, Pap (also known as "Easter Bunny") hid the Easter eggs. Hijo was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited to hunt the eggs. He was looking everywhere to find them.
By the slide, on the fort,
On the roof top of the play hosue
On the top of the compost bin

Helping to count to make sure we had 18 eggs in the basket- oh no we are missing one- where can it be????
Oh here it is- over on the porch steps!!!!!
Shouting for joy at getting all the eggs.
he was so excited to hunt for the eggs, that he completely missed his Easter basket on the table as he walked out hte back door. He was very excited to get the pez candies. Of the 5 packs of pez he started with, by the time I finished making brunch, he had eaten 3 of them. Someone needs to explain to Pap that allowing the 4 year old to eat 3 packs of pure sugar is bad for everyone!!!!!!!.
After brunch, hijo played with pap, then I played frisbee with hijo, then Uncle Dave came and played frisbee with us. But this time, hijo was pretty much crashing from his sugar high and he had a melt down. so I took him outside (after a good cry) and he rode his bike (1 time up and back on the sidewalk), then he rode his moto, then he played soccer with Uncle Dave. Soccer was about an hour straight of running around and screaming every chance he got.
Then there was some tickling games
Some jumping on Uncle Dave games
some sumersaults in the grass,
And some more soccer to end the day.
That was our weekend. confess I told a momma fib tonight- Hijo is asking for Nick Jr. to watch his shows- that is the TV channel, but I told him Nick Jr. is not on tonight. I need a break from Dora, the wonderpets, etc
We are starting on chapter books tonight- Hijo is fascinated with the dragons form the movie "how to train your dragon", so we are reading the "dragonriders of Pern" books now. We'll see how it goes.
It is going to be a busy week- grass cutting starts this week and soccer starts on Thursday.
We hope you all had a blessed Easter. Love and hugs,
Looks like he had a GREAT time!
ReplyDeleteThe picture of him rolling his eyes - he'll get along fantastically with Doug. Of course, we won't be able to get a picture of it...
The picture of him shouting for joy at all the eggs - when did he get so grown up??? What a handsome guy!
Momma lies - they aren't lies, they are unpublished rules. Like the rules that are "posted" at my local park that include the statement about leaving rocks and leaves at the park. Or the rule about babies having to be IN the stroller before they go into the museum store. And the rule about Nick Jr. not being on after 6PM on holiday nights. Grown-up know these rules, we have to tell them to kids so that they know the rules, too. Not lies, rules. We don't make the rules, we just follow them. :)