Wednesday, April 07, 2010

more gardening today- the potatoes and onions are in now

After a week of near record temps, the spring flowers are really blooming out.  The phlox in front of the house is starting to really bloom and the lilac bush on the corner is making my hear happy. 

I like my lilac bush so much, I might put a few more in along the fence line to the back yard.  Hopefully the new neighbors (who have yet to buy the house next door) will like them.  I am thinking they will give me some privacy and decrease my grass cutting area

A happy me- ignore the haor- I was working in the garden at lunch today..  Ignore the grimace too- low level migraine again. 

After work tonight, I took hijo swimming.  he swam for 45 minutes with just the floatation vest on- not the full floatation swimsuit he usually wears.  Sorry J, I guess this means we have no swimming vest for N at this time, as hijo informed me he liked swimming with it.  But don't rush out to get a vest for N, hijo also asked to swim without a swimming vest soon.  We'll see.

After swimming, we stopped at the garden center- thanks mom for the gift certificate you gave me for Christmas!!!  I was able to buy some more potatoes - now we have red and white, and all our seeds for our Spring planting, plus 2 bags of compost and I still had money left on the card!!!

We came home and topped off 2 beds.  In one bed, we planted 72 onions and 32 potatoes.  WOW- this is twice as much as we planted last year, so we'll see how it goes.  Hijo was a great helper, even if I was not happy with him- he was not listening to me as I explained how to plant the potatoes- we had quite a few that were not buried at all.

But he is a good little urban farmer.  This weekend or early next week, we need to get the lettuce, spinach, carrots, radishes, peas and bush beans in.  Then we will have a few weeks to get the 3 other beds ready for our summer crops, including corn.

I use the square foot method for planting - but I have not used "mel's mix" as the soil yet.  That is the plan for the 3 Summer crop beds.  if you are interested, the website is


  1. I love your blog - you are always doing interesting and fun things! Happy Spring to you and your family.


  2. You're really making me consider doing some kind of veggie garden, even if it's a container garden, this year. Of course, where would I put all of the weeds if I have veggies growing instead...
