My parents came over to hang out time today- which is also known as "we have not had Hijo time this week". Since I was sick last week, they did not get to watch hijo on Monday night, so they have had no time with him and my mom was missing him as was my dad. So they came over after church and hijo played with Pap while Mam and I read the paper. Then Pap was ready for a nap. Hijo decided he was going to rest too. But getting Hijo to rest for a nap is about impossible. This is the only time hijo was sleeping. There was quite a lot of conversation going on in hijo's room, hijo was in and out of the room multiple times and finally, he ended up out in the living with Mam and me.

Hijo helped cut up the watermelon he loves and then he was off to play with Mam while I cooked dinner- hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill and lots of fresh veggies.

After dinner and cleaning up, I got out the cans of silly string I bought for hijo and I. We had a blast in the front yard spraying each other.
Then I took the training wheels off hijo's bike and we began the process of learning how to ride a 2 wheeler. I do think hijo is ready for this- he balances perfectly on his motorcyle. so a few times with me hanging on to him and he should be set to be riding alone- maybe not without some falls, but he will riding. I am excited for him.
Then we played some frisbee- which involves hijo ducking when I throw the frisbee. Not because I have hit him, but becuase he is scared to catch the ball.
He is pretty accurate with his throws when he is not being silly and trying to throw the frisbee on the roof.

Then he and I played football before Pap took over on the football duties. Hijo has a great arm- lots of power.
It was a good day. 5 work days and then we are off to see friends for the weekend. I can not wait.
Love and hugs,
Looks like fun. What a sweet picture of Hijo and Pap sleeping!