of course I am going to keep you in suspense while I force you to look at other photos.
And here it is- all the other kids dancing- they are really and Bug standing there looking at them.
Showing me his shirt- it says "fear not" their key verse for the week.
Oh- yes, he did interact with me- silly face for mom
With Helper and Auntie Lulu- still not sure about this.
I will say this was the oddest set up for a closing ceremony. The kids sat facing the front, meaning their backs were to parents and grandparents. Very odd. At the end, people were getting up and moving to get pictures and videos of their kids of singing and dancing. As you can see, due to Bug's lack of participation I was able to stay in my seat.
It was a success though- Bug did not break down and cry, he stayed with his teachers and class and he participated Bug style.
I took him and Auntie Lulu to lunch afterward and then headed back to work. it was a good break on a Friday. And it give me hope that we can try some summer camps next year so Bug gets used to new situations before school starts in August 2010.
Love and hugs,
He sounds so much like Levi at the same age. I am still worried about school this fall but he has to go sometime. Inch by inch our timid little guys make their way in the world.... H